
At a certain point for many men, he suddenly realizes that what he is currently doing to attract women is not working and that there is a way in which he is of the opinion or maybe even belief that will work to attract women.

So why doesn't he change his ways in order to attract women$%:

The simple answer is his beliefs are getting in the way!

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It is important to understand that there are two types of beliefs that a person can have:

Empowering and Disempowering.

When it comes to attracting women empowering beliefs give you no other option besides getting the woman.

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On the other hand, disempowering beliefs make sure that you continue to do what is NOT attracting women.

What makes this even worst is the fact that most if not all beliefs that a man has when it comes to attracting women work at an unconscious level.

In other words, you are not consciously aware of the beliefs that you have they just automatically happen whenever the situation arises.

If that wasn't bad enough many disempowering beliefs are based on your imagination, limited experiences, and/or other people's realities.

For example, your failure to approach a woman you are attracted to could be based on your belief that you don't know how to talk to women (even though you have in the past) or that attractive women don't talk to guys like you.

No matter what the reason, your failure to approach was based on a limiting or disempowering belief that you may or may not have consciously recognized.

Now, that you know and can recognize your disempowering beliefs.

Will you consciously choose to change your beliefs or allow another disempowering belief to control your outcome with women$%:

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