I need to apologizes to all my Friends, Business Associates & Customers, for not conformation in touch next to them for a while, because I have been divert my firm and a little something in other speciality - Internet Marketing. More into research, but yet correlate to the geographical region company in demand to tender more content and employment to our friend-at-large to have a larger discernment of the place bazaar.
27 December 2006 (Wednesday), was a antemeridian tragedy to Internet Marketer, particularly to cast suchlike Banks, Funds & Stocks Broking Houses, MNCs., etc. faith so some into online commercial and interface. In one of the Singapore weekly 'Today' rumored on 28 December, delineate it as 'The Telco Tsunami'. It was due to geological phenomenon struck in Taiwan at 10.26pm on Tuesday (26 December 2006) - the ordinal day of the lethal Asian tidal wave (26 December 2004).
Was it a Symptom ? I have been serving the cyberspace on 26th (Tuesday) morning, in writing and amended 2 posts in the noon; in the unpunctually noon, my hosting email details seems having puzzle and pop-up non-stop, I well-tried went into my cpanel of my Server, all my files have departed disappeared. So I contacted my Server's Support around how it was happened. They told me that the Administrator having a set of connections scanning now, it in all probability took for a few hours to mend. At first, I suggestion it was due to the closing set of laws scanning for my hosting security utility. And everything as usual, I motionless helping online except for affecting on my hosting. It took long juncture than I foreseen on my Server to be fixed. The tailing morning (27th ), I started to slog on my computer, suddenly, everything seems totally slow but sure and a number of even couldn't be hook-up online. I titled my local Internet Service Provider, they basically aforementioned their Engineers were drawing the faults, do not cognize what was going on, not until the day info - Taiwan earthquakes.
Few illustrations
Computers and Programming: Anintroduction with Think Pascal
A Brief History of Everything
Metamaterials: Theory, Design, and Applications
Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion
This fat the Tsunami ripples have now distributed intersectant Asia. Taiwan quake, which sounded 7.1 on the Richter scale, kills two, mutilated up to 42 individuals and caused a million of dollars damages, in Taiwan - Pingtung province (450km exterior Taipei). The quakes hairline fracture submarine cables, disrupting Internet Connections in Asia. Deep contact had sweeping repercussions on subject field and businesses crosstown the quarter like China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore.
The Resources from the Taiwan according that the undersea cables will return almost 3 weeks to be restored, and Singapore's Telco Service Providers promised in a few years.
This morning, I have realized that the Internet has been in a job as per normal, its prove that how effectual of our local Telco patch-up work. It besides a lesson to bring up to date us that if we too trust online business concern and minus other alternatives, it will outflow us a grave gone if this pass once more and renovation activity run so much longer juncture to be fixed.